[Apply] MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana (MMJKY) 2021 Online Registration Form – Check Sambal Scholarship Application Status, Courses List

Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan) Yojana Apply | Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Sambal Scholarship Registration / Login | MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Courses List | मुख्यमंत्री जनकल्याण शिक्षा प्रोत्साहन योजना पंजीकरण

MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Online Registration Form 2021 are invited by Madhya Pradesh government. The state govt. starts MP Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan) Yojna [MMJKY] apply online form filling process at scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in. MP State Scholarship Portal 2.0 comprises of the details including Sambal Scholarship Scheme objectives, eligibility, benefits, registration / login process, courses list and how to track application status. In MP Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana, the state govt. will provide free admissions to the children of unorganized labourers in colleges.

All the students belonging to the poor sections of the societies i.e family of unorganized workers can get admission at graduation and PG level. They can get admissions in any college and universities either govt. / private / govt. aided as per their choice under Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana. At the time of admission, verification of the labourer document of the parents will be done, after which candidate will get free admission.

MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana (MMJKY) 2021

मुख्यमंत्री जनकल्याण शिक्षा प्रोत्साहन योजना योजना के अंतर्गत जिन विद्यार्थियों के माता/पिता का म0प्र0 शासन के श्रम विभाग में असंगठित कर्मकार के रूप में पंजीयन हो, ऐसे विद्यार्थियों को निम्नांकित स्नातक/पॉलीटेकनिक डिप्लोमा / आईटीआई पाठयक्रमों में प्रवेश प्राप्त करने पर मुख्यमंत्री जनकल्याण (शिक्षा प्रोत्साहन) योजना के अंतर्गत शिक्षण शुल्क राज्य शासन द्वारा वहन किया जायेगा। योजना के अंतर्गत स्नातक/पॉलीटेकनिक डिप्लोमा/आईटीआई पाठयक्रमों हेतु व्यय शुल्क के रूप में प्रवेश शुल्क वह वास्तविक शुल्क (मेस एवं शुल्क एवं कॉशन मनी को छोड़कर) जो शुल्क विनियामक समिति अथवा म०प्र० निजी विश्वविद्यालय विनियामक आयोग अथवा भारत सरकार/राज्य शासन द्वारा निर्धारित किया गया हैं, का ही भुगतान किया जायेगा।

  • इंजीनियरिंग हेतु जेईई मेन्स (JEE MAINS) परीक्षा में रैंक 1,50,000 (एक लाख पचास हजार) के अंतर्गत होने की स्थिति में शासकीय इंजीनियरिंग महाविद्यालय में प्रवेश लेने पर पूरी फीस एवं अनुदान प्राप्त अशासकीय इंजीनियरिंग महाविद्यालय में प्रवेश लेने पर 1.50 लाख अथवा वास्तवित शिक्षण शुल्क जो भी कम हो।
  • मेडिकल की पढ़ाई हेतु नीट (NEET) प्रवेश परीक्षा के माध्यम से केन्द्र या राज्य शासन के मेडिकल/डेंटल महाविद्यालय के एमबीबीएस/बीडीएस पाठ्यक्रम अथवा मध्यप्रदेश में स्थित प्राईवेट मेडिकल के एमबीबीएस पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश प्राप्त किया हो। भारत सरकार के संस्थानों जिनमें स्वयं के द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा के आधार पर एमबीबीएस पाठ्यक्रम में प्रदेश प्राप्त होता है, के अभ्यर्थियों को भी पात्रता होगी।
  • विधि की पढाई हेतु कॉमन लॉ एडमिशन टेस्ट (CLAT) अथवा स्वयं के द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय विधि विश्वविद्यालयों एवं दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश प्राप्त किया हो।
  • भारत सरकार राज्य सरकार के समस्त विश्वविद्यालयों/संस्थानों में संचालित ग्रेजुएशन प्रोग्राम एवं इंट्रीयेटेड पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन प्रोग्राम एवं ड्यूल डिग्री कोर्स (जिसमें मास्टर डिग्री के साथ बैचलर डिग्री भी सम्मिलित हैं) के पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश प्राप्त करने पर।
  • राज्य शासन के समस्त शासकीय एवं अनुदान प्राप्त महाविद्यालयों/विश्वविद्यालयों में संचालित समस्त स्नातक तथा राज्य के उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के अंतर्गत स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रमों, पॉलीटेकनिक महाविद्यालय में संचालित समस्त डिप्लोमा पाठ्यक्रमों एवं आईटीआई (ग्लोबल स्किल पार्क को सम्मिलित मानते हुए) में प्रवेश प्राप्त करने पर।
  • शासकीय चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय अथवा उसके अधीन संचालित पैरामेडिकल साइंस के डिप्लोमा/डिग्री एवं सर्टिफिकेट पाठयक्रम में प्रवेश प्राप्त करने पर।

Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Apply Online Process

Check complete MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana (Sambal Scholarship) apply online process through the link – http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Documents/pdf/phases_mmjky.pdf. Here we are going to tell you about the complete process to make registration / login for Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojna:-

Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojna Online Registration Form

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Madhya Pradesh State Scholarship Portal 2.0 at http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/Index.aspx

STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Online Schemes on the Portal” section and then click at “Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan Yojna)” link as shown below or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/:-

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes

STEP 3: Then the Sambal Scholarship page for Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana apply online process will open.

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship

STEP 4: Upon reaching the MP Sambal Scholarship page, go to the “पंजीयन” section and then click at the “पंजीयन करें” link or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Public/MMJKY_Registration.aspx

STEP 5: Accordingly, the MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Online Registration Form 2021 will open as shown below:-

MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Online Registration Form
MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Online Registration Form

STEP 6: Here applicants will have to enter all the asked details accurately and then “Check Form Validations” button to complete the process to fillup Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan) Yojna online registration form.

Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Login

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Madhya Pradesh State Scholarship Portal 2.0 at http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/Index.aspx

STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Online Schemes on the Portal” section and then click at “Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan Yojna)” link as shown below or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/:-

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes

STEP 3: Then the Sambal Scholarship page for Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana apply online process will open.

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship

STEP 4: Upon reaching the MP Sambal Scholarship page, go to the “पंजीयन” section and then click at the “लोग इन करें” link or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Login/sLogin.aspx

STEP 5: Accordingly, the MP Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Login page will open as shown below:-

Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Login
Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Login

STEP 6: Here applicants can enter “User Name / Applicant ID“, “Password“, captcha and then click at “Login” button to make Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana login.

CM Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana (Sambal Scholarship) Application Status

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Madhya Pradesh State Scholarship Portal 2.0 at http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/Index.aspx

STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Online Schemes on the Portal” section and then click at “Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan Yojna)” link as shown below or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/:-

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes

STEP 3: Then the Sambal Scholarship page for Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana apply online process will open.

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship

STEP 4: Upon reaching the MP Sambal Scholarship page, go to the “पंजीयन” section and then click at the “अपने आवेदन की स्तिथि जानें” link or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Public/Track_Your_Application.aspx

STEP 5: Accordingly, the MP Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana application status page will open as shown below:-

Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojna Application Status
Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojna Application Status

STEP 6: Here applicants can enter “Applicant ID (7 Digit No.)“, “Academic Year” and then click at “Show My Application” button to track Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana application status.

Check MP CM Sambal Scholarship Courses List

STEP 1: Firstly visit the official Madhya Pradesh State Scholarship Portal 2.0 at http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/Index.aspx

STEP 2: At the homepage, go to the “Online Schemes on the Portal” section and then click at “Mukhya Mantri Jankalyan (Shiksha Protsahan Yojna)” link as shown below or directly click http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/:-

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Online Schemes

STEP 3: Then the Sambal Scholarship page for Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana apply online process will open.

Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship
Scholarshipportal MP Nic Sambal Scholarship

STEP 4: Upon reaching the MP Sambal Scholarship page, go to the “पाठ्यक्रम” section and then click at the “पाठ्यक्रम” link. Here is the direct link to check MP Mukhyamantri Jankalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana (Sambal Scholarship) Application Status – http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Public/CoursesAndInstitutes.aspx

STEP 5: The page to track MP CM Sambal Scholarship Courses List will open as shown below:-

MP CM Sambal Scholarship Courses List Find Page
MP CM Sambal Scholarship Courses List Find Page

STEP 6: Here select the “Course type” as graduation / post graduation / ITI / Diploma / Certificate / Dual Degree / Post PG / Others and then click at “Search Course(s)” button to open MP Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Courses list.

MP Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Courses List
MP Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana Courses List

Salient Features of Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Shiksha Protsahan Yojana

The important features and highlights of this Nishulk Uchcha Shiksha Yojana 2021 are as follows:-

  • MP govt. has decided to implement Nishulk Uchcha Shiksha Yojana 2021 in all the government universities, government colleges and government aided private colleges.
  • Free Admissions at Graduation Level – The state govt. will ensure free admissions to the children of unorganized workers in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year at the graduate level.
  • Free Admissions at Post-Graduation Level – MP govt. will ensure that students of unorganized laborers gets admission in 1st and 2nd year of regular and self financed courses at PG level.

Govt order on Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan (Shiksha Protsahan) Yojana – http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Documents/pdf/CM_JAN_KALAYAN_Order.pdf

Revised Order – http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Documents/pdf/Revised_Order.pdf

MP Nishulk Uchcha Shiksha Yojana 2021 Eligibility

The candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria to avail the free admission facility in reputed colleges:-

  1. To avail the free admission facility for their children, the parents of the students must be registered with the Labour department as an unorganized laborer.
  2. Upon the verification of the eligibility criteria, the students of such workers will get admission in any college of their choice.

Govt. will widely make publicity of details of provisions of the Mukhya Mantri Jan-Kalyan (Shiksha Protsahan) Yojana among the students.

Check Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) – http://scholarshipportal.mp.nic.in/SambalScholarship/Documents/pdf/FAQ_unicode.pdf

from सरकारी योजना

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