Goa Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi (KKN) Scheme 2021 Application Form – Check Eligibility, Amount, Objective

Goa government has launched Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi (KKN) Scheme to sanction financial assistance to aged needy Goan artists and their dependent family members. Aged Needy Goan Artist means an artist recognized by the Directorate of Art & Culture, Goa govt., whose age is not below 50 years and whose annual income from all the sources does not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakhs (except in the case of lumpsum grant). KKN Scheme shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette and shall remain in force upto 31st March, 2022.

The amount of assistance will be given in indigent circumstances as given below:-

  • To meet the expenses on Marriage of daughter.
  • To meet the expenses on major/minor operation/ medical treatment.
  • House repair in the event of Natural calamities.
  • To meet the expenses in connection with Funeral of the Artist.
  • Scholarship/Incentives to the wards of artist.
  • Incentives for self employment.
  • Lump sum grant on death of the artist subject to fulfillment of eligible criteria and conditions as laid down under the scheme.

Goa Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi (KKN) Scheme Objective

The financial assistance shall be sanctioned to the Aged Needy Goan Artist and the dependent family in indigent circumstances for the following

  • Medical Treatment – To meet the expenses towards Major/Minor surgical treatment in the local or outstation hospitals and also to meet the expenses towards travelling and accommodation outside the State for the treatment for self and or wholly dependent family members subject to the conditions that:
    • The estimate of expenditure from the authorized doctor/hospital shall be enclosed to the application. However in case of treatment availed or to be availed on emergency basis the estimate shall be submitted subsequently.
    • The maximum financial assistance under this category shall not exceed Rs. 50,000/-, however, the Government may relax the ceiling in case of major chronic ailments’.
    • The beneficiary shall not avail the benefit of medical reimbursement from any other Government Department or under any Schemes or policies for the medical treatment for which the financial assistance if granted under this Scheme.
    • The details of the expenditure incurred alongwith the vouchers shall be furnished to the department after availing the treatment and the unutilized amount out of the sanctioned amount if any shall be refunded to the Government within 3 months from completion of the treatment.
  • Marriage – To meet the expenses towards marriage of wholly dependent daughters shall be sanctioned subject to the following conditions:
    • Maximum two wholly dependent unmarried daughters shall be eligible.
    • Dependency certificate from the authorized authority shall be submitted.
    • Maximum of Rs. 20,000/- shall be sanctioned for the first daughter’s marriage and Rs. 15,000/- shall be sanctioned for the second daughter’s marriage.
    • The details of the expenditure incurred along with the vouchers shall be furnished to the department and unutilized amount out of the sanctioned amount if any shall be refunded to the Government within 2 months from the date of marriage.
  • Compensation towards natural calamities – To meet expenses towards repair/construction of the house damaged due to natural calamities subject to the following conditions:
    • Valuation report from the concerned Taluka Mamlatdar shall be submitted.
    • The applicant shall not claim the benefit from any other sources for the same purpose.
    • The quantum of financial assistance shall be maximum of Rs. 25,000/- or as per the valuation done by the concerned Taluka Mamlatdar, whichever is less.
  • Financial Assistance for Funeral of the Artist – Financial assistance shall be sanctioned to meet the expenses in connection with the funeral of the Goan artist subject to the following conditions:
    • Copy of the Death certificate shall be furnished within 2 months from the date of sanction of the financial assistance.
    • Financial assistance upto maximum of Rs. 10,000/- shall be sanctioned.
  • Scholarship/Incentives – Financial assistance in form of Scholarship/Incentives shall be sanctioned to the wards of Artists who are proceeding on higher education in the State and outside subject to the following:
    • The wards of the recognized Goan artist should be enrolled in recognized educational institution for the Post Graduate, Degree or Professional courses.M
    • Documentary proof of admission in the recognized educational institution for the above courses and the Birth certificate shall be furnished alongwith the application.
    • Financial assistance of Rs. 750/- p. m. during the currency of the academic year (excluding the vacation period) shall be sanctioned to the eligible wards on half yearly basis.
  • Incentive for Self Employment – Financial Assistance shall be provided to the needy goan artist or his/her family for self employment venture subject to the following:
    • Financial Assistance not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- or the actual cost whichever is less shall be provided for setting up self employment venture.
    • Certificate to the effect that the applicant is not employed or is not self employed from any Gazetted Officer shall be enclosed to the application.
    • Estimate indicating the cost of the self employment venture from competent authority shall be submitted.
    • Those applicants who have not availed the self employment benefits earlier under any Government Scheme, Autonomous bodies, Corporations etc. shall only be eligible for the financial assistance under above incentive.
  • Lumpsum Grant – Financial Assistance in form of lumpsum grant Maximum of Rs. 20,000/- shall be provided on the Death of the Artists to the family subject to the following:
    • Death certificate, Marriage certificate or any other document indicating the applicant to be the eligible family member shall be enclosed to the application.
    • The wife/husband of the late artist shall be considered first for the grant. However, in case in the event of wife/husband predeceasing the late artist the benefit shall be passed on to the unmarried /unemployed sons/daughters of the deceased artist as the case may be in equal ratio.
    • Those families whose annual family income is less than Rs. 25,000/- per annum from all the sources only shall be eligible for the grant under above category. Necessary income certificate will have to be produced from the competent authority.

Eligibility Criteria for Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme

The following shall be the eligibility conditions under Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme:-

  1. Any Goan aged needy Artist, born and brought up in the State of Goa and recognized by the Directorate of Art &Culture, Government of Goa or his/her family.
  2. The Annual family income from all the sources should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- per annum except under lumpsum grant where in the annual family income limit shall be Rs. 25,000/-.
  3. The age limit for grant of the benefits shall be not less than 50 years in case of the eligible artist; however, the Government may relax the age criteria for deserving cases under special circumstances.
  4. All the relevant documentations like Birth certificate, marriage certificate, dependency certificates, income certificates, medical certificates etc. issued by the competent authorities as may be required under various objectives of the Scheme shall have to be enclosed failing which the applications shall be summararily rejected.

Nature and Quantum of Assistance

An amount of Rs. 10.00 lakhs every year will be deposited in the Saving Bank Account opened in the nationalized bank to meet the requirements under the Scheme and the same will be disbursed to the needy artists as per criteria based on the ion/recommendation of the committee constituted by the Government for scrutinizing and sanction of grants to these needy artists. The case and amount to be sanctioned shall be decided by the committee.

The said account will be operated by three signatories namely, the Secretary Art &Culture, Hon. Minister for Art &Culture and the Director of Art & Culture upto the financial year 2008-09. From the Financial year 2009-2010, a separate Public Ledger Account (P. L. A.) shall be opened under which the funds of Rs. 10.00 lakhs earmarked for operation of the Scheme shall be deposited for operating the Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme.

Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Application Form PDF Download

Here is the direct link to download Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Application Form PDF – https://artandculture.goa.gov.in/sites/default/files/KKN%20FORM.pdf

The Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Yojana application form PDF will appear as shown below:-

Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Application Form
Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Application Form

Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Registration Procedure

Eligible Artist or the family or co-artist or any member of the public shall apply in prescribed proforma directly to the Directorate of Art & Culture, Sanskruti Bhavan,Patto, Panaji, Goa. The forms will be available during the working days at the office of the department. The sub-committee constituted by the Government shall meet as and when required and shall consider the applications received for this purpose. The sub-committee shall recommend the names of the artists in indigent circumstances to the Director of Art &Culture, which are considered fit by the sub-committee to avail the benefits under Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme.

KKN Scheme Disbursement Procedure

On receipt of application for grant under this Scheme, the Directorate of Art &Culture shall forward the application to the sub-committee for scrutinizing the application thoroughly and the Director of Art &Culture shall give its recommendations to thesub-committee, which shall decide the quantum of assistance to be released to the needy artist. After obtaining such Government approval, the Director of Art &Culture shall disburse the onetime financial assistance amount to the eligible applicant in the form of cheque.

Framing of Guidelines for Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme

For better implementation of this Scheme, Government may frame guidelines from time to time, if required.

Relaxation in Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme

The Government is empowered to relax all or any clause provided in this Scheme, if found deemed fit, for reasons to be recorded.

Interpretation of KKN Scheme

If any question arises regarding interpretation of any clause, word,expression or entire Scheme, the interpretation and decision shall lie with the Government which shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Redressal of Grievances and Dispute

If any Grievance arises, out of implementation of this Scheme then, the Minister for Art &Culture shall hear and decide such matter and the decision of the Minister for Art &Culture in this regard shall be final. This has been issued with the concurrence of Finance Department under their U. O. No. 9092 dated 26-12-2008.

Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme PDF Guidelines – https://www.goa.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Scheme-Kalakar-Kritadnyata-Nidhi.pdf

Read Kalakar Kritadnyata Nidhi Scheme Information at https://www.artandculture.goa.gov.in/schemes-programmesschemes/kalakar-kritadnyata-nidhi-kkn

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