Punjab Kisan Credit Limit Scheme 2021 for Pashu Palak to Promote Animal Husbandry (Pashupalan)

Punjab government has launched Kisan Credit Limit Scheme 2021 for animal breeders (Pashu Palak). In this scheme, pashupalaks like cattle bearers can make their Kisan Credit Limits just like agricultural farmers. Under this scheme, every cattle breeder would be granted Rs. 3 lakh amount per family at 4% rate of interest. The Kisan Credit Limit Scheme would immensely benefit the small and landless cattle breeder farmers. Now to avail loan upto Rs. 1.6 lakh, the security in the form of land would not be necessary.

Minister of Punjab Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Dairy Development said that cattle breeders of the state would also be from now on entitled to avail the Kisan Credit Limits. The main objective of this scheme is to promote animal husbandry (pashupalan). On the pattern of farming community, a new mechanism of bank credit limits on easy rates has been started for the ease of the cattle breeders of the state.

This Punjab Kisan Credit Limit Scheme will enable pashupalaks to cover daily expenses incurred expenses incurred on feed of animals, medicines, water and electricity bills. Every cattle breeder can decide their own credit limit in accordance with their own comfort. The only pre-requisite to become eligible beneficiary would be the availability of cattles or animals.

Pashu Kisan Credit Limit Scheme 2021

The state govt. of Punjab has started Kisan Credit Limit Scheme 2021 for cattle breeders. From now onward, pashu palak kisan can decide their own bank credit limits as per their comfort just like farmers working in agriculture sector can do. This pashupalan promotion scheme for animal husbandry will work on the lines of the bank credit limit scheme for farming community. A new mechanism of the bank credit limits on easy rates have been commenced so as to enable pashu palaks to cover the expenses incurred on the feed of animals, medicines, water and electricity expenses. Bank credit limit has already been decided for each animal, which is as follows:-

  • Buffalo & Hi Breed Cow (भैंस और विलायती गाय) – Rs. 61,467
  • Local Breed Cow (देसी गाय) – 43,018
  • Sheep, Goat (भेड़-बकरी) – Rs. 2032
  • Female Pig (मादा सुअर) – 8169
  • Broiler (ब्रायलर) – Rs. 161
  • Egg Producing Chicken (अंडे देने वाली मुर्गी) – Rs. 630

Loans Without Guarantee to Pashu Palaks (Animal Breeder) Farmers

Under this Kisan Credit Limit Scheme for pashupalak, every cattle breeder would be granted per family an amount of Rs. 3 lakh on 4% rate of interest. Small and landless cattle breeders would be benefited the most. Now farmers involved in pashu palan would be able to get loans upto Rs. 1.6 lakh without any security in the form of land. The only pre-condition to avail loans at concessional rates would be the availability of animals/cattle.

Implementation of Animal Husbandry (Pashupalan) Promotion Scheme

The state govt. will focus on extensive publicity of this Punjab Kisan Credit Limit Scheme. This would ensure that maximum number of farmers associated with the allied occupations can derive optimum benefit from the new pashupalan samvardhan scheme. All the banks as well as the district level officers of the Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and the Dairy Development department have been fully apprised of the scheme.

The required amount (as per bank credit limit mentioned above) can be withdrawn by the cattle breeder. The withdrawal of the money could be done at the regular intervals through card issued to pashupalak kisan. Furthermore, Pashu Palak (animal breeders) can return the entire limit on any one day in the year and get new limit on the pattern of the kisan credit card. There would be no fee charging by the bank for making the limit.

from सरकारी योजना

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